
Publication Management Center


Hasanuddin University


No Nama Kegiatan  Tempat/Waktu  Pelaksana Cp Link Publisher
1 International Conference on Women and Societal Perspective on Quality of Life 2019 (WOSQUAL 2019) Four Points Hotel, Jl. Andi Djemma No. 130 Makassar,  12-13 September 2019 Graduate School  Mardiana Ahmad (08124250780) Q3 under elsevier (indexed by scopus)
2 The 4th international conference hospital administration (ICHA 4) 2019 Four Points Hotel, Jl. Andi Djemma No. 130 Makassar,  7-8 November  2019 Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Secretariat : 081918661111 Q3 under elsevier (indexed by scopus)
3 The 1st International Conference on Nutrition and Public Health August 02 & 03 - CLARO HOTEL, MAKASSAR, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Sabaria Manti;
Phone: 085312480080 Q3 under elsevier (indexed by scopus)
4 2nd International Conference Of Biophysical Technology in Dentistry (2nd ICoBTD) 
Claro & Convention Hotel, Makassar. 24-25 Agustus 2019
FKG Fuad Husain Akbar, DDS., MS., Ph.D Journal of International Dental and Medical Research (indexed by scopus)
5 The 2 nd International Conference On Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development 2019 (GIESED-2019) Four Points Hotel, Jl. Andi Djemma No. 130 Makassar,  12-13 September 2019 Graduate School and Fakultas Kedokteran M. Isran Ramli (0812-4244-1126) Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
6 The 1st International Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Green Environmental Approach for Sustainable Development (ICROEST) 2019” Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara, 3-4 Agustus 2019 UM Buton dan PMC Unhas Andi Dirpan (081287741963) Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
7 Internatioal conference Environment and sustainable development 2019 Kampus Unhas 7-8 November 2019 Puslitbang Lingkungan Hidup/LP2M Andi Amri, PhD (+62 812-4208-204) under construction Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
8 THE 3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGRICULTURAL AND BIOSYSTEM ENGINEERING (ISABE) 2019 Makassar,6-8 Agustus 2019 Fakultas Pertanian Diyah Yumeina R. Datu, P.hD.(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
9 SIMPOSIUM NASIONAL VI DAN INTERNASIONAL II KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN Grand Clarion Hotel & Convention, Makassar, 22 Juni 2019 Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan NURSINAH AMIR :+6285230256705 Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
10 THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN THE TROPICS Four Points Hotel, Jl. Andi Djemma No. 130 Makassar,  3-4 September 2019 Fakultas Pertanian Andi Dirpan (081287741963) Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
(IC-WICE) 2019
Dalton Hotel and Convention, Makassar, 22-23 agustus 2019 Fakultas Kehutanan Dr. Risma Illa Maulany, S.Hut., M.NatResSt. (+6282346999003) Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
12 The 2nd International Conference
of Animal Science and Technology (ICAST) 2019 

Hotel Swiss belinn-jalan Boulevard, Makassar 5-7 Nov, 2019
Fakultas Peternakan Dr. Muhammad Irfan Said (+628124206293) Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
13 The 1 st international conference  on political ecology of food security Swiss bellin Hotel, Makassar,14 Octobert 2019 Fakultas Pertanian Dr. Muh. Hatta Jamil (085219399237 under construction Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
14 The 3rd International Conference On Science (ICOS)  Four Points Hotel, Jl. Andi Djemma No. 130 Makassar,  26-27 July 2019 Fakultas MIPA Moh. Ivan Azis (+62811466230) Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)
15  1st International Scientific Meeting on Engineering and its Vocational Education Grand Clarion Hotel & Convention, Makassar, 31 Oct 2019 ATIM dan PMC Unhas ilham Bakri (081287741963)  IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering (MSE)
16 International Conference
Communications, Network, and Satellite (COMNETSAT 2019) 
Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Makassar, 1-3 Agustus 2019 Fakultas teknik Dr. Eng. Dewiani IEEE Xplore yang terindeks SCOPUS.
17 The First International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural (ICLC) 2019  Arthama Hotel, Makassar-South Sulawesi Indonesia.  FIB Panitia (+62-411 587223) EAI (indexed by scopus)
18 The 4th International Conference on Accounting Management and Economics  Hotel Gammara, Makassar, Agust 28 - 29 2019 FEB Panitia (0411 586217) EAI (indexed by scopus)
19 International Seminar on bioscience and drug discovery Baruga prof. Ahmad Amiruddin, 7-8 November 2019 Fakultas Farmasi Muh. Aswad, PhD (+62 821-8883-4383) Proceeding IOP (indexed by scopus)

PMC Unhas

Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Gedung Sekolah Pasca Sarjana. Makassar 90245