
Publication Management Center


Hasanuddin University

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Biodiversity is the variety that exists between living creatures and their environment. Biodiversity is uneven but varies widely across the globe and within the region, whose diversity is highly dependent on environmental factors such as temperature, precipitation, altitude, soil geography, and the presence of other species. Biodiversity is also very important in supporting ecosystem services including air quality, climate including carbon dioxide absorption, water purification, pollination, and erosion prevention. Biodiversity is also important providing important support for drug discovery and availability of drug resources. In the field of forestry, habitat destruction due to the destruction of tropical forests has played a significant role in the extinction of biodiversity.

We also observe biodiversity in its relation from the social science perspectives considering that the integration of social science approaches into this topic of research has increased. They are ranging from focusing on cultural and sacred natural sites, policy impact analysis, knowledge intersection, as well as economic values and management on biodiversity. Rapid environmental changes have led to mass extinctions of species. Therefore, protecting its existence becomes one of the greatest challenges that humanity has to face. It can not be denied that the relevance of biodiversity to various aspects of human life has become an issue of international politics. In the health sector, many health risks occur as a result of climate change that affects changes in biodiversity, such as changes in population and disease vector distribution, scarcity of water, impact on scarcity of food sources and so on.

Factors contributing to the loss of habitat include deforestation, pollution (air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination), and global warming or climate change. It is well known that biodiversity is partly a function of climate. Global warming is also considered to be a major threat to global biodiversity. Conservation efforts in order to support the management of natural resources for the purpose of maintaining biodiversity in species, ecosystems, evolutionary processes, and human and community cultures need to continue. Therefore, all the knowledge and experience of individual researchers, academics, practitioners, and professionals must come together for an integrated common opinion.

The 1st Biennial Conference of Tropical Biodiversity is organized by the Faculty of Forestry of Universitas Hasanuddin. The conference is a scientific forum to enhance knowledge, science and technology and to bring together biodiversity researchers, scientists, practitioners and scholars to anticipate climate change and sustainable development.

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